Book Chapters:
- Regional governance in global innovation processes, In Innovation Governance in an Open Economy, 2012.
- The Second Academic Revolution: Rise of the Entrepreneurial University and Impetuses to Firm Formation. In: Allen and O’Shea (eds) Entrepreneurial University, Cambridge University Press.
- Academic Conflict of Interest. In Science and Trust Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 2010.
- Normative Change in Science: From Entrepreneurial Science to Social Entrepreneurship. In: Measuring the Social Value of Innovation: A Link in the University Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship Equation. Libecap, G. (ed.) Bingley: Emerald, 2009.
- Evolution of the university's role in Innovation and the New Asia Model, Douglas et al eds Globalization's' Muse: Universities and Higher Education Systems in a Changing World. Berkeley Public Policy Press. 2009.
- The Coming Gender Revolution in Science (with Fuchs, Gupta, Kemelgor and Ranga) In: The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies (3rd edition)) Hackett, Amsterdamska, Lynch and Wajcman (eds) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 2008.
- The Triple Helix and the Rise of the Entrepreneurial University In Grandin (ed.) Nobel Foundation Symposium on Science and Industry. Watson Publishing International. 2004.
- The Triple Burden: A Cross-cultural analysis of the consequences of discrimination for women in science, In: European Commission Gender and Excellence in the Making. Brussels: Directorate General for Research. 2004.
- Public Venture Capital: The Secret Life of US Science Policy In: Biegelbauer and Borras (eds) Innovation Policies in Europe and the US: The New Agenda. Hampshire: Ashgate. 2003.
- “The Entrepreneurial University and the University as Entrepreneur: Why Academia is the Core Institution of Knowledge-Based Society In Fonster mot Framtiden (Visions of the Future) Stockholm: Ax:son Johnson Foundation. 2003.
- China Philosophy, Dictionary for Natural Dialectic, edited by Yongxiang Lu, Science Press, 2003. 10, Beijing. Chinese version
- The Triple Helix of University – Industry – Government, Working Paper 2002-11, Stockholm: Institutet för studier av utbildung och forskning (SYSTER). 2002.
- Beyond the Endless Frontier: From the Land Grant to the Entrepreneurial University. In: Wolf, Zilberman (eds) Knowledge Generation and Technical Change. Kluwer: Dordrecht. 2001.
- The Trajectory of U.S. Innovation Policy In Dresner, Simon and Nigel Gilbert (eds) The Dynamics of European Science and Technology Policies. London: Ashgate. 2001.
- Nano-science and Society In Societal Implications of Nanoscience Washington DC NSF. 2001.
- Innovation of China in The Twentieth Century - China’s Modernization in the 20th century, [Technology Part], Chinese version, Chinese Financial and Economic Press, 2001.1, Beijing.
- Science: the Basis and Source for Technology Transition, Chinese version, Technology Transfer and High-Tech Development (edited by Yutai Zhang), P298, 2001.3.
- Bridging the Gap: The Evolution of Industry-University Links in the United States” In: Branscomb (eds) Industrializing Knowledge Cambridge: MIT Press. 2000.
- The Evolution of the Entrepreneurial University, In: Jacob and Hellstrom (eds) The Future of Knowledge Production in the Academy. Milton Keynes: Open University Press. 2000.
- Why are women and minority scientists still treated so badly?” In: Campbell et al. (eds) Access Denied. New York: Oxford University Press. 2000.
- Academia Agonistes: The Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government In: Braun and Merrien (eds), Towards a new model of governance for Universities London: Jessica Kingsley. 1999.
- Entrepreneurial Science in Mexico as a Development Strategy” , Sociology of Science Yearbook, 1997. Dordrecht: Kluwer
- Gender Implosion: The Paradox of Critical Mass for Women in Science In: Nerad (ed.) Graduate Education in the United States, Garland Publishing. 1997.
- The Triple Helix: Academic-Industry-Government Relations in New York In Raymond ed. The Technology Link to Economic Development. New York: N.Y. Academy of Sciences. 1996.
- Academic-Industry Relations: A Sociological Paradigm for Economic Development. In: Leydesdorff and Besselaar (eds) Evolutionary Economics and Chaos Theory London: Pinter. 1994.
- Science as Intellectual Property (with Webster) Sociology of Science Handbook Sage: 1994.
- Die Kapitalisierung des Wissens: Die Rolle des Staates und des Wissenschaftlers bei der Grundung von Wirtschaftsunternehmen. In: Hilpert (ed.) Zwischen Scylla Und Charybdis?: Zum Problem Staatlicher Politik Und Nicht-Intendierter Konseqwenzen. Westdeutcher Verlag. 1994.
- Barriers to Women in Academic Science and Engineering. In: Pearson and Fechter (eds) Who Shall Do Science? Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University. 1994.
- Redesigning Solomon's House: The University and the Internationalization of Science and Business, Sociology of Science Yearbook Amsterdam: Kluwer. 1992.
- University-Industry Relations: Models of Integration and Separation", Proceedings of the 15th AAAS Colloquium on S&T Policy. 1990.
- Second Academic Revolution In Cozzens (ed). The Research System in Transition Dordrecht: Kluwer. 1990.
- The Electronic Focused Interview: Email as a Dialogic Interviewing Medium. In: Stefferud et al (eds). Message Handling Systems and Distributed Applications Amsterdam: North Holland. 1989.
- The Making of an Entrepreneurial University: The Traffic Among MIT, Industry and the Military, 1860-1960. In: Mendelsohn et al (eds) Science, Technology and the Military Dordrecht: Kluwer. 1988.
- Uberdeterminierte Technologie. In: Burokratie Als Shicksal? WestDeutcher Verlag. 1985.
Book Reviews:
- Removing Barriers: Women in Academic Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews, 37: 24-25. 2008.
- University-Industry Relations Review, Essay Minerva, 1995.
- What Happened to Cybernetics? Contemporary Sociology, 1993.
- Theories of Science in Society, Science, May, 1991.
- Molecular Biology: The New Modes, Science, Dec. 1988.
- Regulatory Reform: Politics and the Environment, International Digest of Health Legislation, 1988.
- The Growth of American Research Universities, Journal of Higher Education July/August, 1988.
- The Process of Science, Science, Oct. 30, 1987.
- Environmentalism and Equity, Science, Feb. 23, 1987.
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