Triple Helix Institute                                Silicon Valley -X



     Keynote Speech:  
   The Triple Helix: Past, Present and Future 
      PPT (1).    PPT (2).

From Teaching to the Entrepreneurial University, 

Prof. Henry Etzkowitz Speech on Challenge for the Triple Helix, in ispim, 2016

                                              Prof. Henry Etzkowitz UIIN Interview      


      Silicon Valley Innovation Forum III -2018

Innovation and entrepreneurship education in Chinese university: how to define boundary of the government


Prof. Yan CHEN

Dean of the Graduate School, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

 (click here for the bio CV)


  • Innovation and entrepreneurship education in the internet era
  • The general trends of Chinese higher education


Prof. Henry Etzkowitz  and Dr. Chunyan Zhou

Time and Date: 

4:00 -5:30 p.m, January 31st, Tuesday 

at the International Triple Helix Institute (ITHI) (with Tea/ Coffee and snacks 

 Address: 1520 Sand Hill Road, No.210, Palo Alto, CA94304

 RSDP Contact: Dr. Chunyan Zhou, Email:; Tel: 914 486 6668

     Silicon Valley Innovation Forum IV -2021

       Theme: The Triple Helix and Silicon Valley 


    • University, Silicon Valley and the Triple Helix
    • Government, Industry and Regional Innovation /Entrepreneurship (Silicon Valley Ecosystem)

    • This event also includes a social program, a reception and gala dinner

Triple Helix Conference XIV Heidelberg, Germany
25-27 September 2016 

Triple Helix Conference XIV Heidelberg, Germany
25-27 September 2016 

Triple Helix Conference XIV Heidelberg, Germany
25-27 September 2016 

Triple Helix Conference XIV Heidelberg, Germany
25-27 September 2016 

       Other Selected Videos:

         Interview with: Henry Etzkowitz

     Prof. Etzkowitz: Innovation in Innovation... in a Triple Helix (Feb.5, 2015)

        MTCC2014 Prof. Henry Etzkowitz    


         Interview with Henry Etzkowitz, President of the Triple Helix Association (Oct 8, 2014)

       Interview with: Henry Etzkowitz

Interview with: Henry Etzkowitz

         Henry Etzkowitz at the 2013 University-Industry Interaction Conference

        UTT Entrepreneurial Conference 2012 - The Triple Helix Model

       Henry Etzkowitz.mpg. 2012                                      

About Silicon Valley Innovation Forum (SVIF)

The Silicon Valley Innovation Forum (SVIF) is an informal gathering of like minded individuals who want to share ideas and insights on the evolution of the innovation ecosystem in Silicon Valley and how it compares and contrasts to other global innovation regions.  Is Silicon Valley a unique phenomenon, with a “secret sauce,” or an instance of a more general model of knowledge-based innovation and entrepreneurship with discernible  operating principles amenable to replication? What is the secret of the Silicon Valley as an innovative region? 

Participants will discuss the result of recent research including reports, articles and books as well as hear presentation from experts on different aspects of Silicon Valley’s economic  and social evolution. Visiting researchers, practitioners and policy makers from regions, internationally, will also be invited to present their experience and issues, individually or as members of a panel. 

The Triple Helix Institute (THI, ) is working as the local chapter of the Triple Helix Association (THA, ), contribute its insights to a global innovation community and share the results of international research and experience on innovation. The Triple Helix movement was launched by Professor Henry Etzkowitz, University of London, Birkbeck, quondam Research Fellow at Stanford, President of THA and Editor of Triple Helix and Professor Loet Leydesdorff of the University of Amsterdam  at a 1996 workshop in Amsterdam organized to discuss research on the relationship of science, industry, and government and their role in creating the conditions for future innovation, regional, national and multinational  S&T policies, job creation and growth. 

Henry Etzkowitz is President of THI, Palo Alto and along with Doug Henton of Collaborative Economics are co-conveners of the initial gathering of the Silicon Valley Innovation Forum. The Forum is inspired by various groups, including the Amsterdam ‘Knowledge Circle’ and New York City’s Inter-university Innovation Seminar, the source of the idea for an “MIT for New York” to fill a regional innovation lack that eventually morphed into the Cornell/Technion project. Perhaps SVIF is unique in being able to draw upon a broader and deeper innovation community! 

      Silicon Valley Innovation Forum II: Golden Triangle Comes to Silicon Valley

Time: 4:30-7-30 pm Monday, 28 March 2016, Networking/Presentation/Dinner

Location: 2nd Floor, Oak Creek Clubhouse; 1600 Sand Hill Road, Palo Alto, CA94304

By invitation

Title: The London-Oxford-Cambridge (Southwest) Golden Research Triangle: hype or reality?

-- A bio-innovation complex to overtake US

When Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, proposed a UK life sciences research triangle in the UK in the form of Med City – London, Oxford and Cambridge (April 2014) this begged the question of whether the UK would be getting a research triangle to match the biomedical strengths of the North Carolina Research Triangle Park, Boston-Cambridge area in Massachusetts or San Francisco-Palo Alto in California. This £ 2.92m investment is being funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for England, together with £1.2m from the Mayor of London’s Office. The paper will address (i) why it is necessary for translational research to be institutionalized into multi-scalar cooperation and (ii) how such cooperation may or may not improve the effectiveness of translational research mechanisms employed by entrepreneurial universities.  (More info here)


Helen Lawton Smith

Professor of Entrepreneurship, Department of

Management, Birkbeck, University of London.

Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen 

Professor and Chair in the Department of Geography

at the State University of New York at Buffalo.


Kanetaka M. Maki:the Japan Program Research Associate at the Walter H.

Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center and an International Affiliated Fellow

at National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP).

Terry Beaubois


Consulting Professor, Stanford University, Architecture Design Program

       Global Entrepreneurial University Metrics (GEUM) 

          Palo Alto, Silicon Valley, 10-11 June 2017

     Global Entrepreneurial University Metrics (GEUM) 

       Palo Alto, 3-5 June 2016

The Global Entrepreneurial University Metrics initiative (GEUM)1 is an international Working Group initiated by the International Triple Helix Institute (ITHI), CWTS Leiden University and Psychology in the Public Interest Program, North Carolina State University, under the umbrella of Triple Helix Association2. The initiative began with 6 country teams from Brazil, China, Finland, Netherlands, Russia, USA at Workshop3 hosted by CWTS Leiden in June 2015, supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation, International Division, and is currently being scaled up to 10 and more county teams that participate at a follow-on workshop to be held in Silicon Valley 3-5th June 2016. 

          Global Entrepreneurial University Metrics (GEUM) 
        WORKSHOP I
          21-23 June 2015, Leiden, Netherlands 
          Supported by US National Science Foundation 
        Position Paper