Triple Helix Institute                                Silicon Valley -X

         Research Foci:

  • Meta Theory and Specific Practice of Triple Helix Innovation Model

  • Entrepreneurial University

  • Venture Capital 

  • University Technology Transfer

  • Academic Entrepreneurship

  • High-tech Spin-offs

  • Firms in the Triple Helix Interactions

  • The Roles of Government in the Triple Helix Innovation Model


    Selected Research Projects:

Regional innovation System based on the Triple Helix, 2011-2017, 500,000

University-Industry Relation in the US, European Commission, 2012-2013 150,000


Gender Specific Aspects of the Evaluation of Funding Proposals and the Awarding of Funding  Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft,  2010-2011  30,000


Monitoring Knowledge Flows in the European Research Area through University References in Patents (European Commission DG Research/ERAWATCH/ IPTS) (with Ranga). 2009  100,000


Identification and analysis of policies to promote investment in research in non-EU countries (European Commission DG Research/ERAWATCH/ IPTS) (with Ranga). 2007-08  150,000


Survey of Science Park Managers, International Association of Science Parks, 2007  12,000


Innovation in Triple Helix Relations: Implications for Newcastle and the Northeast, City Technology and Business Link, Newcastle. 2007  25,000


Women in Innovation, Science and Technology (WIST), European Commission-DG Research. 2006-08  200,000


Innovation Project, Center for Business and Policy Studies, Stockholm, 2000-2005   50,000


The Triple Helix of University, Industry, Government, NSF, 2000    10,000


Industry as a Stimulator of Technology Transfer, NATO, 1999        30,000


Academic-Industry Relations, Center for Business and Policy Studies, Stockholm 1997    20,000


."Triple Helix Conference" NSF, European Union, CNRS France, etc. 1998    30,000


Qualitative Evaluation of Health Informatics Focused Program, National Institute of Science and Technology, 1996-97   25,000


Academic-Industry Relations, Andrew Mellon Foundation, 1995  30,000


Critical Transitions for Women in Science, NSF, 1995   10,000


Evaluation of Research Groups, Rockefeller University, 1995


Conflict of Interest in Academic-Industry Relations, NSF, 1993-95   40,000


State Science Policy (with Kevin Dougherty) National Science Foundation, 1993-95   60,000


Women in Science and Engineering: Improving Participation and Performance in Doctoral Programs, NSF, 1991-1994  160,000


Academic Industry Relations, NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Acquafredda, Italy, 1991. 40,000


Indicators of Small Science, NSF, 1990    20,000


University-Industry Relations at MIT, NSF, 1989-1990     30,000


Women in Academic Science" NSF Sociology, 1989-90      25,000


 Research Groups in Academic Science, State University of New York Research Award, 1988   10,000


The Interdisciplinary Origins of Computer Science" (with Lois Peters) NSF, 1988-90   100,000


Academic Research Groups, State University of New York, Albany, 1988      6,000


 University-Industry Interactions (with Lois Peters) NSF 1986-87.  60,000


 Archival Research at MIT, National Endowment for Humanities, Summer 1984  4,000


 Academic Scientists and Industry" NSF, 1983-1984   10,000


The Effects of Corporate Headquarters Relocation on Cities and Suburbs" American Sociological Association 1977  1,500

       In Memory of Loet Leydesdorff 

         Henry Etzkowitz and Dorien DeTombe

In Memory of Loet Leydesdorff (March 2023)

Henry Etzkowitz & Dorien DeTombe

In Memory of Loet Leydesdorff (March 2023)

Henry Etzkowitz & Dorien DeTomb

Loet Leydesdorff, co-founder at of the triple helix conference series passed eleven March 2023, finally giving way in a struggle with a debilitating condition. He worked throughout, even in hospital, as always. On Monday20 March our dear colleague and friend was memorialized in an event attended by family, friends and colleagues in Amsterdam. 

Beyond his stellar role as a leading researcher in scientometric and innovation studies Loet was a linchpin in the triple helix ecosystem through his inter-continental collaborations. At triple helix meetings he could be found huddling with one co-author and then the next from Ph.D. neophytes to leading figures. 

Loet was social hole in the technical Burtian sense of a key node that made a network possible. Like Silicon Valley Bank that failed virtually simultaneously, providing the social glue of the Napa Valley wine industry and the Sand Hill Road venture capital complex, Loet’s departure represents more than end of a quantitative flow but also an ecosystem gap, difficult to fill.  

The first step though is reflection on the true nature of the loss in both instances. In the Silicon Valley case, it may presage a de-concentration of innovation resources.   Their wide spreading throughout the US is being positively assisted by the NSF’s staff new innovation engine initiative that gives this heretofore basic research support agency, with a modest subsidiary technology transfer mission, a full-fledged industrial policy mission correctly noted by EU President Van der Leyn. 

The presence of the Triple Helix Institute CEO at the memorial aula and the absence of a representative from the Triple Helix Association’s Executive Committee may symbolize analogous centrifugal implications. Time will tell; it always does!

We feel deeply the loss of a true friend and colleague. Loet was an exemplar as well as an an anomaly: suit wearer in informal Amsterdam; car driver in a biking city; seven days in his university office. Loet’s children enjoyed his breakfast easygoing companionship and he and Margaret were a life team. We have only begun to comprehend our loss as we honor him.