University venture capital in big data, regional and historical perspective:
where and why has it arisen?
Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance
Vol.25, 2023
Important Book:
The Triple Helix :
University -Industry -Government Innovation and Entrepreneurship
(The Second Edition), Routledge, 2018
Henry Etzkowitz and Chunyan Zhou
in Handbook of Science and Public Policy, Handbooks of Research on Public Policy series, Edited by Dagmar Simon, Stefan Kuhlmann and Julia Stamm. Edward Elgar Publishing,2019
Building Technology Transfer within Research University: An entrepreneurial
approach, November 2014
Henry Etzkowitz
The second academic revolution: The rise of the entrepreneurial university and impetuses to firm foundation
Chunyan zhou
The path to the entrepreneurial university in China: A case study of Northeastern University, China.
In Building Technology Transfer within Research Universities: An Entrepreneurial Approach, Edited by Thomas J. Allen and Rory P. O’Shea.
Silicon Valley: Global model or unique anomaly
Volume 52, No.4, December 2013
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