The Forum, The Triple Helix and Silicon Valley (THSV), will held at Stanford campus on June 8-10, 2019, presenting various innovation initiatives in the Silicon Valley from a Triple Helix perspective, with Stanford University, Silicon Valley and the Triple Helix as three sessions:
S1: The Triple Helix Theory and Practice — Silicon Valley’s secret
The university-industry-government Tripe Helix is the key to innovation and growth in a knowledge-based economy. Increased interaction among university, industry and government as relatively equal partners, is the core of the Triple Helix model for economic and social development. New developments in innovation strategies and practices arise from this interaction, as the Triple Helix becomes a platform for “institution formation.” This session includes:
How to organize regional innovation, triple helix spaces, public/private venture capital,
innovation instruments such as science parks, incubators and technopoles,
as well as university, industry and government in the triple helix.
S2: Silicon Valley’s Future — an innovative region’s evolution
Silicon Valley is unique in having had a Triple Helix in place for more than a century. In the Valley, new organizational formats to promote innovation, such as the incubator, Science Park and venture capital firms, were developed and disseminated by regional development organizations. They are themselves a synthesis of elements of the triple helix and provide the infrastructure for transition from industrial to knowledge-based society. We will focus on:
Joint Venture Silicon Valley, IT Clusters, Incubators/ Accelerators for entrepreneurship,
local, national and global networks for innovation and entrepreneurship.
S3: Stanford Open Innovation System — continuously creating new organizations
Stanford University as a successful entrepreneurial mode is the generative source of the Silicon Valley. It is that the generation of such novel institutional structures realizes the Triple helix. The entrepreneurial university supersedes and incorporates the contrasting 19th century Newmanian and Humboldtian academic paradigms, respectively focused on teaching and research, expanding academic roles from teacher, to researcher to entrepreneur. The university’s enhanced status is based on its ability to develop new techno-economic paradigms and tease out technological and economic implications from research. We will look closely into:
Some interdisciplinary research centers, Office of Technology Licensing,
the first science park worldwide and the entrepreneurial accelerator StartX.
In addition, participants will explore the Silicon Valley with the Forum organizers. Site visits include:
* Stanford University campus/research centres and its Science Park/ StartX
* Apple New Headquarter and Google main campus
* Selected Incubators/ Accelerators
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